High Waisted Jeans are Back!

From about 1997 to 2007, mainstream western fashion was obsessed with "low waist" or "hipster" trousers. These hiddeous abominations disfigured women (and even some men) from the catwalk to the highstreet, ruining even the nicest figure and causing all manner of unsightly bulges even on very skinny people. Taken to extreme they were even dangerous, pressing on nerves in the fleshy part of the buttocks and causing loss of feeling and sensation, in some cases permanently. Plus the totally impractical design meant they had to be hiched up every few steps.

But now, at long last, it seems this awful style tyrany is over, as This BBC Website Magazine Report reports the fashion industry en-masse reverting to high waists. At last!

As a taste of what's hopefully to come, here are some samples, originally given away free by mid-90s Wetlook photo and video producers, of just how good high-waisted jeans can look when soaking wet.



Saturation Hall - The Gungemaster Photosets
Gunged women - fully clothed messy girls

This is an archive of 'free' images given away by other producers over the years, placed here for demonstration purposes only.
Copyright in these pictures remains with the original producers.



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