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Denim Jumpsuit Water Frolic! - set gm-2w23

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Denim Jumpsuit Water Frolic!

Wendy gets soaked in a blue denim jumpsuit


  • Blue denim jumpsuit
  • Blue, Hunter-style wellies

Watched by Miss Pink, who stays dry, Wendy takes to the river in her original vintage blue denim jumpsuit and blue wellies. She wades into the water, flooding her boots, then slowly wades deeper until her entire suit is soaked.

Then she returns to the shallows and sits down in the water, while Miss Pink, dressed in denim overalls, denim jacket, and black rubber boots, wades carefully out, staying dry herself, and pours bucket of bucket of water over Wendy, who calmly sits in the water and allows herself to be drenched many times by her friend.

Eventually the two pose together, Miss Pink completely dry, Wendy utterly drenched and dripping wet.