Saturation Hall
Portrait Gallery

Click an image for details of the set it is from, click a character's name to read her profile. Note that some of the sets shown in this column are only available in the download store, click the pictures to see availability information.

Previews & Samples

Sample photos from all the sets in the Members Lounge

This page lists all of our current live photosets, including full information on the mumber of shots in each set. Note these aren't hand picked "best of" shots, just the 3rd, 9th, 15th, 60th, 90th and 150th shots from each set, to give you a true idea of what you'll find in our members' area.

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The first two shots are clickable to give the full-size high-res image, generally these will be clean "before" shots in most sets, the others are also clickable to our standard 800 x 600 free sample size - the images in the Members Lounge are all the same size as the first two images here.

  • gm-2f68: "A scarlet suit meets a sticky mess!" Added 2011-12-07, 885 photos, 946M disk space

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    Festive Wendy

    Scarlet suit, sticky goo!

    Something festive for the start of December, Wendy dons a scarlet boilersuit and black boots, and spemds a merry old time in the dungeon gradully reducing herself to a sticky mess!

    With a genuine passion for uniforms and industrial clothing, as well as being an enthusiastic gunge fan, this was a genuine evening's play for Wendy, the cameras being almost incidental. First she prepares a tray of gunge, with gateaux and custard, and sits down in it, then she mashes several trifles into her lap, before filling her suit with several cartons of custard. Pockets are filled, and more and more gunge poured on, until eventually she takes to the floor and rolls around in the spilled mess she's created.

  • gm-1w01: "Lady Elizabeth checks the waters" Added 2011-11-23, 483 photos, 367M disk space

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    The River Inspection

    Lady Elizabeth checks the waters


    • Navy blue female engineer's trousers by Alexandra
    • White uniform polo shirt by Alexandra
    • Navy blue female engineer's jacket by Alexandra
    • Green wellies

    Every year, in the early Spring, it's important to check that all the various locations on the estate where someone might want to take a dip in the waters (clothed, of course - it's a local bylaw!) are carefully inspected for any unseen hazards. The Winter storms and then the thaw when all the snow on the high moors melts send raging torents of water blasting through the familiar streams and watercourses, and we don't want anyone tripping over dislodged boulders when they go for a paddle.

    So it is that the Spring of 2006 sees young Lady Elizabeth, properly kitted out in a female engineer's trouers and jacket, and wellington boots of course, takes to the river at the old stone bridge to carefully check that the location is still suitable for fully clothed bathing.

    First she carefully looks round the banks and under the bridge, staying dry while dipping her wellies in the water, and also getting the seat of her uniform trousers quite nicely dusty as she sits on rocks and clambers about the banks. But eventually she starts to properly go into the water.

    Needless to say her green wellies don't keep her feet dry for long, and in short order she's flooded them, and started to properly wet her trousers. Before long she's waist deep in the water, trousers drenched, top half getting steadily wetter, and thoroughly enjoying every minute of it!

    Note: Most of the actual "Elizabeth getting wet" moments are caught in the video clips that go with this set, the actual photographs focusing more on "Elizabeth on the bank or sitting in the shallows in her wet clothes", so make sure you download the clips (all in .avi format) as well as the photos.

  • gm-2w47: "Fully clothed paddle in cropped trousers and rugby shirt" Added 2011-11-16, 522 photos, 574M disk space

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    Lady South in Pale Blue

    Lady Amaranth goes for a paddle

    Lady Amaranth of the Southlands takes advantage of a warm spring day to go for a fully clothed paddle in the river by the viaduct.

    She wears pale blue cropped knee-length trousers, a blue and blue rugby shirt, and white plimsoles, and gets totally drenched!

    She put the outfit on over an already wet swimsuit, so in the early, dry shots, if you look closely you can see some dampness seeping through her trousers. Not that it shows for long, as she sits on a mucky step by the river, nicely staining her bottom, then walks across the shallows and sits down in the stream, wetting her trousers completely. Then she rolls over onto her front, and drenches her rugby shirt too!

    Now she's fully wet, she walks into the deeper water, submerging her already soaked trousers and shirt. The sun came out at just the right moment for some fantastic shots while she was in the deep water.

    She wades out and sits in the shallows, taking her shoes off and pouring water from them, then she puts them back on and wades back into the deeper water, going waist deep, before leaving the river and posing, dripping wet, by the fence above.

  • gm-2f74: "Shirts, shorts, and trousers, all filled with goo!" Added 2011-11-02, 1468 photos, 1.7G disk space

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    Clothes Filling Fun

    Wendy and Jasmine get thoroughly filled up!

      Lady Jasmine

    • Black tight fitting ladies running trousers
    • Navy blue running shorts with built-in underwear, worn over the trousers.
    • White polo shirt
    • Converse copy sports boots
    • Black swimsuit worn as underwear

      Ms Wendy-Household

    • Black combat trousers
    • Lilac polo shirt
    • White and lilax Addidas running shoes
    • Black swimsuit worn as underwear


    • Shot as a custom shoot
    • Trouser filling
    • Shorts filling
    • Polo-shirt filling
    • Detailed shots of the girls getting their clothes filled
    • Upshorts shots
    • Willing and enthusiastic gunge recipients
    • Total clothes and hair coverage

    Lady Jasmine and Wendy have a merry old time gradually filling, and then covering, each other's clothes in custard, syrup, and treacle. They start out wearing swimsuits and trousers, and put on two brand new polo shirts, carefully tucking each other in, turning up the collars, and doing up each others' front buttons.

    Once dressed, they take turns to gunge each other. Wendy has her combat trousers filled front and back, and then Lady Jasmine holds the front of her shorts open for Wendy to fill.

    Back and forth the fillings go, down shorts, down trousers, down shirts, and then more gunge is poured on down the outside too. Both girls are thoroughly enjoying what they're doing, really enjoying the sensations as they slowly reduce each other to sticky messes.

  • gm-1m02: "Elizabeth romps on very sloppy mudflats!" Added 2011-10-26, 165 photos, 124M disk space

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    The Very Sloppy Mud Girl!

    Elizabeth romps in very wet and sloppy mud!

    Lady Elizabeth wants a mudbath, a real one! So it's out to the riverbank mudlands north of Marsh House, and into the incredibly wet and sloppy tidal mudflats for an all out romp in the clay!

    Dressed in a beautifully well-fitting ladies-fit navy blue boilersuit and Caterpillar boots, she wades semi-carefully through the soft clay by the riverbank, and then happily throws herself into the lovely liquid clay of the river-bottom! Laughing and giggling throughout, she wades, kneels, crawls, stands up and lets herself fall backwards onto her bottom with an almighty splash as she hits the mud, and eventually lies flat and rolls over and over, coating her outfit and a fair bit of her lovely long red hair.

    The scene ends with her sitting on the riverbank wearing her drenched and mud-dripping suit, applying a mud pack to her face to finish off.

    Note: There are several short video clips in amongst the photos of this set, generally these show the points where Elizabeth was actually getting muddy, including the shot where she falls back onto her bottom in several inches of liquid clay, sending a great mud splash flying.

  • gm-2w41: "Modesty gets her blue boilersuit absolutely soaking wet!" Added 2011-10-19, 292 photos, 326M disk space

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    Viaduct Boilersuit Blue

    Modesty goes deep in the river!

    Action-girl Modesty, practically dressed in a well-fitted bright blue boilersuit and blue wellington boots, gets herself absolutely soaked, and wades almost neck-deep, in the river below the viaduct at the southern boundary of Lady Jasmine's estate.

    She happily jumps into the river, and wades deeper and deeper, the bright blue of her suit clearly showing exactly how far she's wet herself. We see her legs going under, then her trunk slides into the water, and eventualy she's standing almost neck-deep in the water, using her arms to raise great splashes of it above her head, standing just by the viaduct arches.

    She then wades back slowly to shallower water, the camera following every step of the way, until she sits down in the flow and splashes more water over herself.

    Plain, simple wetlook playing, in an outfit that really shows the colour change as it gets wet.

  • gm-2f66: "Black and chains meets bright and bold" Added 2011-10-05, 746 photos, 795M disk space

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    The Rocker and the 80s chick

    Black and chains meets bright and bold


    • Black high-waist combat trousers
    • Black lycra swimsuit worn as a top
    • Big black leather action-girl boots
    • Black leather-look jacket

      Miss Pink

    • Red and black 1980s fashion top and skirt, in bold pattern
    • Black wedge-heel boots
    • Black swimsuit worn as underwear (revealed in hose-down)

    There are old traditions up here. Gone from the cities now, in our modern world of shopping by convenience and try before you buy, but it was not always so. Once, the wealthy would attend the great boutique stores of the imperial cities, palaces of hushed deference and polite obseqiance, where the lords and ladies of the great houses would sit and the staff would fetch the things they thought appropriate for their exalted clientale, and though the servility might have appeared to be one-way, in a way the customers were as tradition bound as the servers, only ever being shown what the merchants thought suitable for their status.

    Rituals and manners developed around this formality, including some distinctly odd ones. A great lady would sit in the seat provided for her, regardless of whether there was a tray of custard placed to receive her richly-clad bottom. Various pourables would be demonstrated on a lady's own costume, and she might in turn try her selections out on the shop assistants' uniforms too.

    All this is now history of course, but as proud keepers of ancient traditions, the folk of the Hall re-enact some of them from time to time, sometimes in authentic period wear, sometimes in more modern atire, re-creating the recent past as it might have been had the traditions endured.

    And so it was that one fine morning saw Miss Pink in the role of a 1980s high-fashion store assistant, and Felicity, dressed in rock-chick-chic, take to the dungeon to imagine how shopping for pourables might have been had the old ways remained in use!

    Trays of gunge are sat in, much pouring is done, mainly golden syrup on Felicity's black outfit, and custard on Miss Pink's stylish bold patterned 80s gear.

    Both girls end up with their outfits thoroughly drenched in gunge, and then take a long hosedown together, during which Miss Pink stips down to just her swimsuit and boots!

  • gm-1f01: "Barefoot Lady Elizabeth gunges her favourite black overalls" Added 2011-09-28, 300 photos, 128M disk space

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    Boilersuit Fun!

    Barefoot Lady Elizabeth gunges her favourite outfit

    From Lady Elizabeth's Lost Archive

    Someimes the simple pleasures are the best!

    Lady Elizabeth, barefoot, wearing her favourite black boilersuit and little else, gives herself a proper seeing to with lots of custard and squirty cream. You can see from her impish smile how much she's looking forward to her session, and she proceeds to very carefully and playfully cover herself totally in mess! Her bare feet come in for special attention, and her long hair gets thoroughly gunge shampooed too. And to start her gunging off, she does a lovely and playful sit down into a tray of custard, shot from very close up!

    Watch a pretty young miss become a sticky young mess!

    Shot back in 2006. 300 photos at 3.1mpx resolution.

  • gm-2w42: "Dungaree Dipping on the High Moors" Added 2011-09-21, 292 photos, 333M disk space

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    By the Tarn of Usher

    Dungaree Dipping!

    Modesty, dressed in just swimsuit, pink rubber boots, and blue denim dungarees, goes for a paddle and splash in the stream flowing out from the infamous Tarn Of Usher, high on the wild moors of Langstonedale Chase, above the great house. She jumps and splashes and sits down in the stream, splashing herself until she's quite thoroughly soaked, she also goes for a little sit down in the mud at the side of the stream for a while.

  • gm-2f72: "How will this designer dress handle being filled, covered, and drenched in mess? " Added 2011-09-07, 673 photos, 749M disk space

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    Miss Pink's Designer Dress Test

    New York design meets a Yorkshire gunge maiden!

    Miss Pink has been asked to officiate at a formal dinner up at the Hall. Which means she needs a dress to wear which looks striking, formal, and beautiful, and which will go on looking good when her ladyship's guests start to pour custard and treacle over Miss Pink while she carries out her duties.

    So having selected a fabulous gown by Gregory of New York, with mesh sleeves and some lovely mesh detail front and back, she takes to the dungeon to give it a thorough testing, including dress filling, just to be sure.

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