Saturation Hall
Portrait Gallery

Click an image for details of the set it is from, click a character's name to read her profile. Note that some of the sets shown in this column are only available in the download store, click the pictures to see availability information.

Previews & Samples

Sample photos from all the sets in the Members Lounge

This page lists all of our current live photosets, including full information on the mumber of shots in each set. Note these aren't hand picked "best of" shots, just the 3rd, 9th, 15th, 60th, 90th and 150th shots from each set, to give you a true idea of what you'll find in our members' area.

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The first two shots are clickable to give the full-size high-res image, generally these will be clean "before" shots in most sets, the others are also clickable to our standard 800 x 600 free sample size - the images in the Members Lounge are all the same size as the first two images here.

  • gm-2f73: "Bare feet in custard, clothes covered in treacle!" Added 2012-03-07, 759 photos, 862M disk space

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    Miss Pink's Treacle Jeans

    Bare feet in custard, clothes in treacle!

    What lovely feet! What a nice casual outfit! What a lot of gunge she is about to be covered in!

    Miss Pink dresses simply for her coming saturation, in cropped pale jeans and a pale pink checked shirt, with a white belt through the jeans. And slowly and carefully, she totally wrecks her outfit in gunge!

    She starts innocently enough, a cup of water over a stool, and she sits on the wet surface, standing up so we can see the wet patch on the seat of her jeans, before sitting down again. So she's now a bit damp, but still clean.

    That soon changes! She places a silver tray on the floor, fills it with thick Ambrosia custard, and then plunges her bare feet into the custard! She starts with her left foot, sliding it elegantly into the lake of yellow mess, and then dips her right into the custard too. Once both feet have been submerged she plays with the custard using her feet, massaging and spreading it over each one using the other. There are plenty of close-ups of the foot action in this section as she plays and poses in custard-coated feet.

    And then she picks the still custard-filled tray up, places it on her seat, and sits down in it, drenching the seat of her jeans in the custard her feet were playing in!

    From here the camera documents the steady trashing of her entire outfit, lots and lots of thick black treacle all over the jeans, front and back, until they look as if they are made of liquid PVC, then lots and lots of custard all over her smart pink shirt, and hence flowing down onto the treacle-saturated jeans.

    I think we can safely say this wench is just a tad messy by the end!

  • gm-1m05: "Elizabeth wears a knee length skirt and blouse into the mudbanks" Added 2012-02-29, 366 photos, 276M disk space

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    Uniform Mud Wallow

    Elizabeth wears a knee length skirt and shirt into the mudbanks

    Lady Elizaabeth takes to the mudbanks in a smart, severe, navy blue knee length skirt, pale blue shirt (tucked neatly into her skirt, of course) and black shoes.

    As the scene progresses she coats her skirt in lovely thick river clay, sitting in a depression in the mud and filling her lap completely, and then sets about her shirt, before finally giving herself a total mud shampoo, and then a mud facial too. All the while as she carefully gets herself muddier and muddier she's posing and showing off, enjoying the feeling of her mud-drenched clothes as she gradually destroys her smart uniformed image. By the end of the scene she's a walking blob of mud, proudly displaying her clay-coated self on the grass above the mudbanks.

    Due to a technical problem with the camera, all of the clean "before" shots, plus the first few muddy ones of Elizabeth taking her first sit down in the mud, were lost, so the scene starts with the back of her skirt already muddy, but the front mostly clean (though she soon puts paid to that!). However there are still over three hundred photos, plus several video clips, of Elizabeth gradually destroying her cleanness.

    A happy maiden in the mud. Enjoy!

  • gm-2q05: "Lady Amaranth self-drenches in her boilersuit and wellies" Added 2012-02-22, 242 photos, 431M disk space

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    Lady Amaranth self-drenches in her boilersuit and wellies

    Lady Amaranth of the Southlands, dressed in her favourite navy blue boilersuit, and blue and white stripey wellies, gives herself a thorough soaking in a hotel room shower.

    First she pours cupfuls of water into the neckline of her jumpuit, and we get to watch as the water soaks its way through from the inside as she pours more and more, little by little, into her clothes.

    Then, once she's nicely wet inside, with wetness soaking through her front and down both legs, she starts the shower, steps under it, and soaks herself completely.

    This scene was shot as a bonus extra, from two cameras at different angles, giving lots of detailed shots of the wetting in progress.

  • gm-2w45: "Modesty's Red Satin River Bath" Added 2012-02-15, 448 photos, 488M disk space

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    Exploring in Evning Wear

    Modesty's Red Satin River Bath

    As we all know, a tomb raider can never be sure of when good fortune may strike, and so while planned expeditions will usually see our heroine in good practical combats or overalls, if an unexpected lead or hint of fabled treasure should happen to arrive while one is at dinner with the ambassador, well one has to be able to rise to the challenge in whatever one happens to be wearing at the time.

    So it's important that young Modesty practices her river exploration techniques in evening gowns, as well as more practical attire.

    So here she is, wearing a beautiful red satin evening gown, freshly donned over an already wet swimsuit (some of those diplomatic functions can get very kinky in places!), going into the river to practice her evening dress techniques. She gets the dress just a bit soggy!

  • gm-2f70: "Lady Rose gets artistic all over herself!" Added 2012-02-02, 715 photos, 824M disk space

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    Custard in Colour!

    Lady Rose does art with custard

    Take a pretty girl in royal blue overals and pink wellies, and leave her in the dungeon with lots of custard. What could possibly go wrong?

    When the young lady in question is our own Lady Rose, the answer is lots!

    She started out innocently enough, just a little custard down the inside of her suit, just to enjoy the feeling of it flowing inside her clothes. I mean who would ever know she had a kilo of yellow goo sliding about inside her suit? But then she got a bit carried away, and that big bucket of bright red dyed custard was just begging to be played with... And how could she resist coating one boot in black treacle, and the other in golden syryp, just to see how they looked, you know, for art and all that?

    She ends up just a tad messy. Probably going to need a fairly thorough hose-down after that. Perhaps even a taking her boilersuit off and being hosed down in her swimsuit kind of thing.

  • gm-2f65: "Lady Jasmine and Lady Lucy in skirt-soaking fun!" Added 2012-01-25, 225 photos, 532M disk space

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    Two ladies, two skirts, and lots of bottles of cola!

    Lady Jasmine and Lady Lucinda face off in the dungeon, both wearing skirt uniforms and both about to drench each other in fizz

    Taking turns, our two ladies drench each other, Lucinda takes first wetting with her skirts' pockets filled, then Lady Jasmine takes a seat and has her smart skirt thoroughly drenched with bottles of cola poured straight into her lap.

    They swap places and Lucinda accepts the same treatment. Later on the two girls pour cola down the backs of each others' skirts too.

    To finish off they stand together and pour more full bottles of cola down each others' fronts together, soaking blouses and skirts.

  • gm-2w49: "Lady Amaranth gets fizzy!" Added 2012-01-19, 318 photos, 357M disk space

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    The Shiny Dungeon Cola Shower

    Getting fizzy!

    Lady Amaranth is quite a fan of cola. Since the first time she was doused in it in the Scottish Highlands, she cannot get enough of having her clothes drenched in fizzy wetness.

    So one Midwinter, when it was far to cold to go out and play in the streams and rivers of the estate, she spends a merry hour in the nice warm dungeon, pouring bottle after bottle all over her black trousers and shiny black spandex top.

  • gm-2f67: "Lady Rose in PVC and whiskers!" Added 2012-01-04, 488 photos, 509M disk space

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    Cat in a Catsuit

    Lady Rose in PVC and whiskers!

    Something a bit different to see in 2012, here's Lady Rose posing in the dungeon in a PVC catsuit, boots, kitty make-up, and her own unique style of accessories. There are roughly 250 shots of her in the outfit, followed by another 170 of her covering herself in custard, and then 20 of her in her wet swimsuit during the hosedown. There's a video of this scene, focusing on the actual gunging, to come next week too.

    Welcome to 2012 from all of us here at the Hall!

  • gm-1f02: "A smart work uniform gets the treatment!" Added 2011-12-28, 455 photos, 337M disk space

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    Uniform Skirt Sploshing

    A smart work uniform gets the treatment!

    Lady Elizabeth wears a black, knee-length uniform skirt, a blue patterned blouse, tights, and black shoes, and gives herself a very thorough self-gunging, including a full custard shampoo.

    She starts off slamming custard flans onto her own bottom, nicely messing up the back of her skirt, this is followed with lots of custard, poured into and over her blouse and skirt at the front. Then Elizabeth carefully pours herself a pool of custard on the floor, and sits in it, before pouring lots more all over herself.

    A thorough custard shampoo sees to her beautiful red hair, and she relaxes and plays in the mess, totally custard-drenched.

    The warm water hose-down, with Elizabeth still fully dressed in her custard-soaked clothes, and including her sitting in a large tub of custard-water, completes the scene.

  • gm-2w51: "First comes the fizz, and then comes the dip!" Added 2011-12-21, 656 photos, 719M disk space

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    The River Explorers

    First comes the fizz, and then comes the dip!

    Chastity, in black combats, top, jacket, and rubber boots, and Modesty, in head to toe black spandex and kinky thigh-high chrome-heeled leather boots, go exploring the river together. But before they can enter the water, their clothes must first be drenched with bottles of fizzzy drinks, which they take turns pouring into each others' outfits.

    Modesty gets the treatment first, unresisting, she holds her waistband open as two litres of cheap cola is poured into her spandex leggings, fizzing and soaking its way down through the shiny fabric, and over and into her thigh-boots. Then it's payback time, and Chastity stands unresisting as bottles of cola are poured down her front. For the first one, she's allowed to keep her black leather jaket zipped up and the cola foams and flows all over the leather. Then however she opens her jacket, pulls out the waistband of her black combats, and has the entire contents of a second bottle emptied into her trousers, filling and drenching them, foaming and fizzing through the dark material, and collecting round her feet in her black wellington boots.

    Now it's Modesty's turn to be on the receiving end again, and she holds the neck of her skin-tight spandex top open to have another two litres of fizz poured inside and down her front, flooding through the top and adding to the existing fizzy wetness in her leggings and boots. Then Modesty turns round, bends forwards and has another bottle poured over her back and bottom. Next the girls give each other a down-the-front dowsing with bright red cherryade, and then to finish, they do it again, simltaneously, pouring bottles over each other at the same time.

    There is a bit of hugging and posing in their fizz-wet clothes, and then the two girls take to the river, where they do more clothes filling of each other with a watering can and river water, before wading deep into the water. They wade in and out of the deeps a couple of times, and they play with Modesty's thigh-boots while she's wearing them,, filling them up with the watering can until they colapse down her leg to become water-filled ankle-boots!

    They play in the water for quite a while, wading, sitting, splashing each other, before eventually climbing back out and posing, dripping wet, sitting on the rail fence that guards the road. Where they empty Chastity's rubber boots over themselves!

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